Here's something I wrote eons ago from an old blog. Mawkish stuff if you ask me now, really. But worth sharing in this month of Cupid.
“The universe unfolds as it should.”
One thing I love about you is that buoyant, positive energy you have about the future and about life. You were never much of a worrier … and I hope you keep that quality. You are a lighthearted, giving presence. And I think that's what draws people to you.
I hope you don't let anyone or anything suck that out.
You know what is said in theism: that certain people come at certain times in our lives to teach us lessons we need to learn at that point. Some stay, many go, but it's never a waste. Useless drivel at this point. But soon we’ll realize it to be true, when we finally know that it’s time to move on. Then we’ll be able to summon gratefulness for the gift of people who touched our lives.
Teach me to love without possessing.
Make me see the moment for what it is.
Let me touch you and not want for more.
Give me that which
can make me see you walk away
and still feel you beside me.
Show me faith in forever.